Oxfordshire Scouts are pleased to advise that the County intends to send 2 units consisting of 8 Unit leaders, 72 young people to Eurojam 2020 in Poland.

We are therefore inviting application for Scouts and Explorer Scouts who will be aged between 14 and 18 at the time of the Jamboree at the end of July 2020 to attend this excellent event.

The European Jamboree will begin on 27th July 2020 and will last until the Closing Ceremony on 7th August.  The Jamboree will take place near Gdansk in the north of Poland with a full programme of activities and the opportunity to meet Scouts from all over Europe.

The campsite is located on Sobieszewo Island which is an area of about 35 km2 to the east of Gdansk with more than 1000 ha of woods. The camping area borders a beach, 11 kilometers long, and is the longest one in Gdańsk. It includes two guarded bathing areas – in Sobieszewo and in Orlinki.

We estimate costs for the week to be around £750 although there may be some change in pricing as we have not yet finalised travel arrangements to Poland

Application Deadline is Sunday 21st April 2019 please be aware that there will be a selection day which will take place on Saturday 27th April 2019

Once you have been advised of your successful place in the Unit after the selection day – we will ask you to pay a £150 deposit and provide us with bank details so that the remainder of the camp fee is deducted on a monthly direct debit via GoCardless – alternatively it is possible to pay for the Camp Fee in one lump sum at the time of accepting the place in the Unit.  There will be no collective fundraising for this trip although there will be opportunities available for individuals to fund raise to pay off their camp fee

More information on the jamboree can be found here: https://ej2020.org/


Apply here!