Good afternoon,

I hope you’re well.

Here is a summary of the information in the email below:

  • Learning opportunities
  • First Response Learning
  • External First Aid Certificates
  • Gang Show
  • Awards Day
  • Go Live support
  • AED Grants for Scout buildings
  • North Leigh Hike
  • Risk Assessment Workshops
  • Army Challenge Day

We are working on a membership system email with hints and tips on using the new membership system and this will follow soon.  

Learning opportunities

Learning opportunities are changing with the introduction of the membership system. The learning required for your role can be found in My Learning.

Locally, we will be running workshops to support you in your role. The workshops will give you a chance to meet others in the County in similar roles and will provide practical help and support. These will move around the County so that they are available to everyone. We have great feedback from these learning opportunities and hope they can continue to support you in your role – why not take a look at what is available here.

First Response Learning

We have a variety of First Response courses available in the County over the coming year. More courses will be added as trainers and venues are confirmed. We have been working with Scout Groups to ensure venues move around the County and try to hold the courses as close to as many as possible.

The blended approach for first aid continues but is only recorded on the membership system once both elements are completed, as First Response. We will be offering two types of course locally:

  • First Response – covering module 10a+b (6 hour course)
  • 10b practical only (30 minute). Please note to attend a 10b course, you will need to have completed the Module 10a element, which can be complete online here.

Details of all the courses available can be found here.

External First Aid Certificates

If you have completed an external first aid course which you would like to use for Scouts, please be aware that a First Aid Trainer needs to confirm that the syllabus of the course meets the Scouts First Response criteria. If there are elements which are not met, you will be requested to cover these either via an online conversion course or in some cases attendance of a 10b course (see above), before the learning can be added to your profile. The whole first response course does not need to be retaken, but the missing elements will need to be covered.

Please send your external certificates to where they will be reviewed. Your course certificate needs to be uploaded in My Learning, so please make sure this is provided.

The First Response criteria includes:

  • Life support: The principles of first aid and initial response (arriving and managing an incident), emergency life support, CPR (including technique for children and an explanation of what AED is and how to use it), management of an unconscious casualty (child and adult) and choking. 
  • Trauma and injury: Shock, bleeding, fractures (ambulance imminent and non-imminent) and sprains, head injuries, dental incidents and burns.
  • Major illnesses: Asthma, anaphylaxis, heart attack, stroke, seizures, diabetes, sepsis and meningitis.    

To help our First Aid Trainers confirm the criteria it would really help if you can send in both your certificate and the syllabus of the course attended. If your course has extra elements added on the day to cover the Scouts syllabus, please ask the trainer to provide confirmation of the additional elements covered (e.g First Aid at Work does not normally cover Child CPR, dental incidents and some major illnesses).

Gang Show

Gang show is a family variety show performed by Beavers, Rainbows, Cubs, Brownies, Scouts, Guides, Explorers, Girlguiding Senior Section, Network and Leaders (in Oxfordshire all cast members are under 30 years of age). 

There will be six performances at The Yolande Paterson Hall:

Tuesday 18 February 2025, 7.00pm (evening)
Wednesday 19 February 2025, 7.00pm (evening)
Thursday 20 February 2025, 7.00pm (evening)
Friday 21 February 2025, 7.00pm (evening)
Saturday 22 February 2025, 1.45pm (matinée)
Saturday 22 February 2025, 6.45pm (evening)

You can book your tickets via TicketSource either via 

Awards Day

To celebrate the achievements of more than 1700 young people and adults from across Oxfordshire, Awards day will be taking place at Youlbury Scout Adventure on Saturday 10th May 2025.

Click here to download the multiple nominations form. All multiple nomination forms have to be submitted here by March 14th 2025.

As a County Team we have no access to OSM records to know which Young People have achieved awards or their parents’ contact details, so without your nominations we are unable to invite young people to the awards day celebrations. Please help us to see as many young people on the day by letting your parents know to expect invites from us and reminding them of the parent deadline below.

14th March 2025 – submission deadline for nominations. We are unable to except any changes after this point.

17th March 2025 – invites will be sent during this week

11th April 2025 – RSVP deadline for parents. In replying they must confirm attendance, all no replies will be classed as not attending. No late responses will be considered. They will also be asked to check the spelling of their child’s name – which will be used on the certificates.

Go Live Support

If you have any questions or queries to do with the new Membership System, please email and one of the Go-Live support team members will be in contact with you to assist.

]You can log in to My Membership for your personal records, to submit NAN forms, nominate others for awards and more or My Learning to see your current learning requirements.

AED Grants for Scout Buildings

No AED within a useful distance? Apply using the link below to have one put outside your Scout hut.

You would need match funding of £750, if the application is successful, you would need an electrician to install.

North Leigh Hike

Time is running out and places are filling up for the North Leigh Hike 2025. Enter before 16th Feb to secure a team spot. 8 miles for Beavers and Cubs, 18 mile challenge for Scouts and Explorers. Enter here:

We are also on the hunt for a team of excellent volunteers, if you’re available to help support this event or have any questions regarding entry please email

Risk Assessment Workshops

We have developed a workshop to help anyone who may struggle in writing risk assessments, it is approximately an hour long and it covers;

Why do one?

The definition of a risk assessment?

What should it contain?

Hints and Tips to writing a risk assessment (including examples)

OK, risk assessment written – what now?


If you would like to book a session for you and/or your team please contact Ian Broome (County Safety Team Lead)

Army Challenge Day

HQ Army in the South East are hosting another series of their challenge day events for 2025 and we have a fantastic opportunity for Uniformed Youth Organisations ages 14+ to participate.

This year we are holding this event at two locations:

Longmoor, Hampshire in March and

Mereworth Woods, Kent in May

This event is currently live on Eventbrite to book onto:


Sunday 23rd March 2025 – Leadership Challenge Day Sunday 23 March – Longmoor

Mereworth Woods

Saturday 10th May 2025 – Leadership Challenge Day Saturday 10 May – Kent

Click on the above links to book onto our event via Eventbrite and see attached flyer/poster for more information of the day and to display around your establishment.

To have an idea of what the day will look like, please click on the link below to see a short video from our previous event:

Please note a team consists of 12 participants and you will need to book a ticket for each participant, you may enter more than one team.

A member of staff will need to be with their group at all times.

Further instructions/risk assessments and details will be sent out in the weeks leading up to the event once we have confirmed your places.

if you have any questions please send any emails to

Have a great month!