Oxfordshire Gang Show, Radley College Theatre 19th – 23rd February 2019.
Gang show is a family variety show performed by Cubs, Brownies, Scouts, Guides, Explorers, Guide Senior Section, Network and Leaders (in Oxfordshire all the cast is U25).
Gang Shows happen all over the country and the world. The show is made up of a number of short items that are put together to make a show. The items might be comedy/serious sketches, dance items, musical items involving singing, dancing and acting.
Our aim is to give a fantastic rewarding theatrical experience to any youth member (8 years old – 25 years old) of either movement that want to have ago! It is hard work but great fun and we hope all the Gang have a blast!
Rehearsals are now well underway for 2019’s show. Tickets can be purchased here.