Meet the County Team

Click a team members photo to contact them.

County Leadership team
Wendy Tatham
County Commissioner
Leads Scouting in the County with responsibility for ensuring that quality and safe Scouting is provided to all young people, that volunteers are well supported, and that Scouting grows and develops
Phil Earl
County Chair
Chairs the charity’s Board of Trustees ensuring that the organisation is well managed and operating within the Scout policies and maintaining good governance.
Position Vacant
County Treasurer
Is responsible for managing the day-to-day financial affairs of the County charity
Michelle Cox
County Secretary
Supports the officers of the committee with administration and communications.
Position Vacant
County Youth Commissioner
A member of the County leadership team and Trustee; leads Youth Shaped Scouting in the County, ensuring that young people have a say in their Scouting experiences and supports
Position Vacant
County Training Manager
Responsible for the provision of training within the County, ensuring that there are high quality training opportunities for our adult volunteers
Rob Spence
Deputy County Commissioner (General)
Supports the development of the County alongside the County Commissioner
Position Vacant
DCC (Adult Support)
Responsible for ensuring that volunteers are sufficiently supported in their roles. From encouraging and supporting qualifications for adventurous activities, supporting executive committees and helping volunteers ensure Scouting throughout Oxfordshire is inclusive
Marcus Goodwin
DCC (Programme)
Supports our volunteers to deliver the best possible programme to young people including young leader scheme, Duke of Edinburgh Awards and promotes the top awards available to all sections
Position Vacant
DCC (Events)
Supports the development and running of County wide events, ensuring that they are of high quality, relevant to the programme and well managed
Position Vacant
DCC (Growth & Development)
Supports volunteers and District Commissioners with increasing Scouting provision by developing and opening groups, sections, and units
Position Vacant
DCC (Marketing and Communications)
Supports the communication of Oxfordshire Scouting, promotes the work of volunteers throughout the County; from encouraging participation in County led initiatives to shouting about the achievements
Programme team
Marcus Goodwin
DCC (Programme)
Supports our volunteers to deliver the best possible programme to young people including young leader scheme, Duke of Edinburgh Awards and promotes the top awards available to all sections
Position Vacant
Assistant County Commissioner (Programme 4 - 14)
Supports volunteers to deliver the best possible programme to young people aged 4 - 14
Position Vacant
Assistant County Commissioner (Programme Beavers)
Supports section leaders in the Beaver sections to deliver the best possible programme to young people
Graham Brewis
Assistant County Commissioner (Programme Cubs)
Supports section leaders in the Cub sections to deliver the best possible programme to young people
Fraser Stokes
Assistant County Commissioner (Programme Scouts)
Supports section leaders in the Scout sections to deliver the best possible programme to young people
Position Vacant
Assistant County Commissioner (Programme 14 - 25)
Supports volunteers to deliver the best possible programme to young people aged 14 - 25
Andrew Leech
Assistant County Commissioner (Programme Explorer)
Supports section leaders in the Explorer Scout sections to deliver the best possible programme to young people
Lee Besley
Assistant County Commissioner (Programme Network)
Supports section leaders in the Scout Network sections to deliver the best possible programme
David Ralphs
Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator & King's Scout Advisor
Supports Explorers, Scout Network, and their Leaders with their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and King's Scout Award
Richard Owen
Assistant County Commissioner (Young Leaders)
Supports Young Leaders and Section Leaders with the provision of Young Leader training
Kirsty Dare
Assistant County Commissioner (International Programme)
Supports all sections in Oxfordshire with their International programme including the Scouts of the World Award
Lucy Kennett
Assistant County Commissioner (Explorer Belt)
Supports Explorer Scouts and Scout Network and their Section Leaders with the Exlporer Belt
Event team
Position Vacant
DCC (Events)
Supports the development and running of County wide events, ensuring that they are of high quality, relevant to the programme and well managed
Alex Lyczkowski
Assistant County Commissioner (International Events)
Supports all sections in Oxfordshire with their International trips and locally and nationally run international events
Position Vacant
Assistant County Commissioner (Events - Beavers)
Manages a team of volunteers who plan and organise the annual Beaver event
Joff Greer
Assistant County Commissioner (Events - CPCW)
Manages a team of volunteers who plan and organise CPCW
Position Vacant
Assistant County Commissioner (Events - Aqua Camp)
Manages a team of volunteers who plan and organise Aqua Camp
Position Vacant
Assistant County Commissioner (Events - Explorers)
Manages a team of volunteers who plan and organise an annual Explorer event
Mike Suggate
Assistant County Commissioner (Events - RaidOx)
Manages a team of volunteers who plan and organise RaidOx
Position Vacant
Assistant County Commissioner (Events - Winter Challenge)
Winter Challenge - Manages a team of volunteers who plan and organise Winter Challenge
Sarah Joyner
Assistant County Commissioner (Events - Awards Day)
Awards Day – Manages a team of adult volunteers who plan and organise our annual celebration day for top award achievers
Anthony Morris
Assistant County Commissioner (Events - Gang Show)
Gang Show - Manages a team of volunteers who plan and organise our annual Gang Show
Carl Hodgkiss
Assistant County Commissioner (Events - Expedition Challenge)
Expedition Challenge - Manages a team of volunteers who plan and organise the expedition training and expedition weekend.
Val Butcher
Assistant County Commissioner (Scout Active Support)
Oversees the Scout active support units, supporting the Managers
Bill Butcher
Assistant County Commissioner (Scout Active Support)
Oversees the Scout active support units, supporting the Managers
Position Vacant
Scout Active Support Manager (Event Fairies)
Manages the unit of volunteers that provide infrastructure support at County events
Amanda Cummings
Scout Active Support Manager (Gang Show)
Manages the unit of volunteers that support the running of the annual Gang Show
Ian Broome
Scout Active Support Manager (Event First Aid)
Manages the unit of volunteers that provide first aid support at County events
Position Vacant
Scout Active Support Manager (Mountaineering)
Manages the unit of volunteers that offer mountaineering training and support to volunteers around the County
David Jackson
Scout Active Support Manager (OxChefs)
Manages the unit of volunteers that catering support at County events
Growth team
Position Vacant
Deputy County Commissioner (Growth and Development)
Supports volunteers and District Commissioners with increasing Scouting provision by developing and opening groups, sections, and units
Hannah Forder-Ball
County Squirrels Advisor
Supports section leaders in the Squirrels sections to deliver the best possible programme to young people
Adult Support team
Position Vacant
DCC (Adult Support)
Responsible for ensuring that volunteers are sufficiently supported in their roles. From encouraging and supporting qualifications for adventurous activities, supporting executive committees and helping volunteers ensure Scouting throughout Oxfordshire is inclusive
Anne Addison
Assistant County Commissioner (Inclusion)
Has oversight of the County provision and support for inclusion
Robert Selway
Assistant County Commissioner (Activities)
Manages the County assessors and skills instructors, ensuring that activity permit assessment and renewal is granted to adult volunteers
Position Vacant
Supporter of the Nights Away Scheme (SNAPS)
Works with District nights away advisors to ensuring consistent and up to date advice for adult volunteers wishing to gain or renew a night away permit
Ian Broome
Safety Advisor
Supports and gives advice of all aspects of Safety
Steph Fawdry
Safeguarding Advisor
Supports Safeguarding around the County
Position Vacant
Assistant County Commissioner (Executive Support)
Supports Executive Committee's with day to day running, but also advice on all areas of govenernance
Training team
Position Vacant
County Training Manager
Responsible for the provision of training within the County, ensuring that there are high quality training opportunities for our adult volunteers
Patrina Effer
Local Training Manager for Managers and Supporters
Manages a team of Training Advisors that support adult volunteers with Manager and Supporter roles in validating their training
Tim Scane
Local Training Manager – King Alfred
Manages a team of Training Advisors that support adult volunteers in validating their training
Rose Ralphs
Local Training Manager – North Oxfordshire
Manages a team of Training Advisors that support adult volunteers in validating their training
Penny Hannigan
Local Training Manager – Thames Chiltern
Manages a team of Training Advisors that support adult volunteers in validating their training
Rose Ralphs
Local Training Manager – West Oxfordshire
Manages a team of Training Advisors that support adult volunteers in validating their training
Maria Chaundy
Local Training Manager – Oxford Spires
Manages a team of Training Advisors that support adult volunteers in validating their training
Tim Scane
Local Training Manager – Thames Ridge
Manages a team of Training Advisors that support adult volunteers in validating their training
County Support team
Bob Earl
County QM
Manages our store, equipment and asset’s. Provides support and manages the bookings for equipment
Martin Richards
County Appointments Chair
Chair of the committee that support adult volunteers starting with Scouting or taking on a new role. An essential role for ensuring our Young People are kept safe
Robert Buckeldee
Chair of the County Awards Advisory Group (CAAG)
Responsible for recommending adult volunteers for good service awards
Vacant Position
Tech Support
Provides vital IT support to volunteers in the County Team
Youth team
Position Vacant
County Youth Commissioner
A member of the County leadership team and Trustee; leads Youth Shaped Scouting in the County, ensuring that young people have a say in their Scouting experiences and supports
Samuel Foxon
Deputy County Youth Commissioner (Activities)
Supporting the County activities team in ensuring youth shaped Scouting is paramount in all we do.
Staff team
Michelle Cox
County Administrator
Runs the County Office and provides a wide range of support to the County team and other volunteers
Lucy Kennett
District Administrator
Provides administrative support to the 6 District Commissioners and their teams
Chris Goodwin
Growth & Support Officer
Working with the County and District Commissioners, recruits, inducts and supports volunteer managers in groups and districts
District Commissioners
David Walsh
King Alfred District
Janet Duxbury
North Oxfordshire District
Anthony Morris
Oxford Spires District
Sarah-Jane Leivesley
Thames Chiltern District
Becky Brewis
Thames Ridge District
Sarah Joyner
West Oxfordshire District