The Support Team provide support to all our County Teams. The team covers tasks such as maintaining the County equipment; building networks and relationships to other Oxfordshire charities and groups that can support Oxfordshire Scouts and maintaining large scale fundraising opportunities.

Please follow the links below for the key tasks for the team leaders and members. If you are interested in joining a team, please complete the following form.
The Stores Team will help to maintain the equipment held at County Stores and help make it available to volunteers across the County via the booking system. Whilst the County Office will support the administration of the bookings, we are looking for volunteers to help with the collection and return of equipment and ensuring that any damage is repaired quickly. The team covers all the equipment held in stores including the County Climbing Wall, Discovery and trailers.
The Community Engagement Team will help to build relationships with other groups and charities in the County that can help to support Scouting in the County. The team will create and look after relationships that can help Oxfordshire Scouts grow and reach into our local communities. In recent years we have developed relationships with Multaka, NSPCC and SeeSaw. In all cases, the connection has provided learning opportunities and programme resources for Oxfordshire Scouts and we would like to build more of these connections to expand the support available to volunteers across the County. In addition to the work done in recent years we would also like to set up Community Projects that Groups and Units can access to help support Community Impact badges.
Community Engagement Team Leader Community Engagement Team Member
The County Growth Team will support the District Growth Teams to encourage growth of new Sections and Groups in the County. It will look for opportunities for new Groups in housing developments, as well as ensure our current Groups and Sections operate effectively. Through supporting the opening, closing and merging of Sections based on local demand we can make sure that Scouting in the County grows and meets the demand from local communities.
The Fundraising Team will help to build relationships with major events where there are large fundraising opportunities for Groups and Units. The team will provide the over-arching infrastructure to allow Groups and Units to attend and fundraising from activities such as car parking, litter picking and bucket collections.
The Resolutions Team ensures that all incidents are reported, recorded, responded to and closed as required by law and Scouts policies in good time. This includes resolving any problems and issues raised by our adult and youth members and by parents/carers of young people.
The team will work with Lead Volunteers, Safeguarding Leads, Safety Leads, Data Leads and Suspension Leads as required.
The Communications and Digital Team will create a positive image of Oxfordshire Scouts and project that through the local community to showcase the brilliant opportunities available in Scouting and show that Scouting in the County is inclusive and open to all. The team will help set up and look after social media channels to ensure Scouting is visible in local communities.
Communications & Digital Team Leader Communications & Digital Team Member
Please follow the links above for the key tasks for the team leaders and members. If you are interested in joining a team, please complete the following form.