Brand Guidelines 

Our Scout brand is very important to us, as it represents our whole movement and is associated with all our activities and how we show ourselves to the world. When we have a strong and consistent brand and talk clearly about our benefits, we will attract more support for Scouting in Oxfordshire.  

Our brand follows the national Scout Association brand guidelines but retains an Oxfordshire identity that can be clearly recognised. Our brand and logo are the symbol that represents and unites us as a movement and a county. When used consistently it works incredibly well. We use this to showcase Oxfordshire Scouting to the rest of the country and the world.  

Here you can find all the resources you need to correctly brand your Group, Unit and District to ensure you are in keeping with national and County brand guidelines. It means you will be helping to show the fantastic work we are doing in Oxfordshire in the best way possible.  

If you need help or support in moving to the new Scout brand you can email us here.  

Download our Brand Guidelines here. 

The Ox & (archive) 

If you are a member, you will also receive a copy of the Ox to your inbox every month. The Ox is the best round up of county information from the month and has news and resources for leaders and adults.  

The latest edition and past editions can be found here