Click a team members photo to contact them.
Position Vacant
County Training Manager
Responsible for the provision of training within the County, ensuring that there are high quality training opportunities for our adult volunteers
Andrew Leech
Assistant County Commissioner (Programme Explorer)
Supports section leaders in the Explorer Scout sections to deliver the best possible programme to young people
Lucy Kennett
Assistant County Commissioner (Explorer Belt)
Supports Explorer Scouts and Scout Network and their Section Leaders with the Exlporer Belt
Hannah Forder-Ball
County Squirrel Advisor
Supports section leaders in the Squirrels sections to deliver the best possible programme to young people
Robert Selway
Assistant County Commissioner (Activities)
Manages the County assessors and skills instructors, ensuring that activity permit assessment and renewal is granted to adult volunteers
Position Vacant
Supporter of the Nights Away Scheme (SNAPS)
Works with District nights away advisors to ensuring consistent and up to date advice for adult volunteers wishing to gain or renew a night away permit
Position Vacant
DCC (Events)
Supports the development and running of County wide events, ensuring that they are of high quality, relevant to the programme and well managed
Alex Lyczkowski
Assistant County Commissioner (International Events)
Supports all sections in Oxfordshire with their International trips and locally and nationally run international events
Mike Suggate
Assistant County Commissioner (Events - RaidOx)
Manages a team of volunteers who plan and organise RaidOx
Sarah Joyner
Assistant County Commissioner (Events - Awards Day)
Awards Day – Manages a team of adult volunteers who plan and organise our annual celebration day for top award achievers
Val Butcher
Assistant County Commissioner (Scout Active Support)
Oversees the Scout active support units, supporting the Managers
Bill Butcher
Assistant County Commissioner (Scout Active Support)
Oversees the Scout active support units, supporting the Managers
David Jackson
Scout Active Support Manager (OxChefs)
Manages the unit of volunteers that catering support at County events
Jack Talbot
Scout Active Support Manager (Event Fairies)
Manages the unit of volunteers that provide infrastructure support at County events
Ben Khan
Scout Active Support Manager (Event Fairies)
Manages the unit of volunteers that provide infrastructure support at County events
Position Vacant
County Training Manager
Responsible for the provision of training within the County, ensuring that there are high quality training opportunities for our adult volunteers
Bob Earl
County QM
Manages our store, equipment and asset’s. Provides support and manages the bookings for equipment