Upskilling our volunteers is something we thrive on, but how do you gain the skills to offer them? We offer grants to help fund the cost of gaining an adventurous activity permit or additional training needed to run your section. Find out more about the criteria and application here.
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Using a minibus and trailer for offering Scouting to the Young People in Oxfordshire is fast becoming a useful skill. We recognise that this skill is becoming rare since the licenses changes a few years ago. We offer grant support for leaders within Oxfordshire to obtain the necessary license to allow them to continue offering Scouting locally.
Download the criteria and application form
We offer grants for Section wishing to take their young people on an international trip. More information about the grant can be found here.
The International Service Team (IST) provide essential support at World Scout Events, they are the staff that allow the activities and daily running of the event to happen. To take part in an event as IST you generally have to pay to volunteer. Whilst the experience speaks for itself, financial support is often a targeted at our young people. We offer a one-time grant to support an adult who wishes to attend a World Scout Event as IST.
Download the criteria and application form
Starting a new Section offers more Scouting to young people in our local communities. We offer a start-up grant for Section just starting out.
Download the criteria and application form
We are fortunate to be able to offer our groups and Districts a 10k interest free loan to assist with essential repairs, maintenance and improvements to Scout buildings.
Download the criteria and application form