Rewarding Adults in Scouting

Every adult who gives their time to Scouting supports the development of young people and without them Scouting and the adventures it offers simply would not happen.

However, there are those who make an extra special contribution and carry out tasks and commitments outside of the requirements of their role, and our Good Service and St George’s Day Awards are intended to recognise that additional contribution and thereby express the appreciation of the Association and in particular that of the Chief Scout.

There is no mystery in the way our Awards scheme works and this introduction for our County seeks to explain the procedures and how Lead Volunteers can expect some assistance in making successful applications. All members of Scouts whether uniformed or not may be eligible for awards sometime; however, there are a set of strict rules which must be followed and standard forms to be completed.

County Recognition Team

The County Recognition Team is made up of a representative from each District, Recognition Team Leader and County Administrator. Collectively they are responsible for reviewing and submitting awards for Oxfordshire to the National Recognition Team.

Nominations require the approval of the District Lead Volunteer and/or County Lead Volunteer before being submitted to the Nation Recognition Team. This is done by the County Recognition Team.

To maintain a uniform National standard, the Awards Board administers the rules on behalf of the Chief Scout . The information provided on the application form must give a real indication of the individual’s extra special contribution to Scouting. The County Lead Volunteer’s role is only advisory in nature.


Citations form a larger part of some of the more prestigious awards, these are based on many years of service that goes over and beyond the everyday volunteer role we take on. The citation is needed to tell a group of people who do not know the volunteer why this person should be recognised for their contribution to Scouting.

Detail since last award is key, with lots of input from leaders who worked with them over the years since their last award. The citation story we tell needs to describe what they have done since a previous award or how they are still going over and beyond.

The County Recognition Team will confirm if they require a citation from you if you nominate someone for an award.

A citation masterclass can be found on the Scouts website here.

How to nominate someone

Anyone can nominate an adult volunteer for an award! You just need to know a few basic details about them and tell us what they have done to be considered for an award. There are some criteria they need to meet, but we will let you know what is if they are not quite there.

Nominations are made through the membership system, by selectiong Awards> Nominate Someone.

Missing Awards

Occasionally, we hear of awards not being presented. if you or someone you know is missing an award, we would like to hear from you. We are keen to award adults for their hard work and loyalty as volunteers with us.

Types of Awards

Long Service

These are awarded after 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 years’ service. They are normally generated automatically by the Headquarters Membership Management System, so it is important to check that your own service, and that of anyone who you manage, is up to date on My Membership. If you know of someone who is overdue for a long service award, please ensure that their record is checked.

Occasionally, we hear of awards not being presented. if you or someone you know is missing an award, we would like to hear from you. We are keen to award adults for their hard work and loyalty as volunteers with us.

Good Service

Good service awards are awards that adult volunteers are nominated for based on them going over and beyond the standard role they have undertaken. We have some truly amazing volunteers and we love to see them nominated for awards. You don’t need to worry about the award you wish to nominate them for as the County Recognition Team will discuss this and communicate with you their recommendation.

The awards for recognition are:

The Chief Scout’s Commendation for Good Service – given in respect of not less than 5 years’ good service.

Award for Merit – given for outstanding service of not less than 12 years (10 years exceptionally).

The Bar to the Award for Merit may be awarded after a period of not less than five years of further outstanding service.

Silver Acorn – awarded for not less than 20 years of specially distinguished service.

The Bar to the Silver Acorn may be awarded for at least a further 5 years of similarly distinguished service.

The Silver Wolf is the unrestricted gift of the Chief Scout and is only awarded for service of a most exceptional nature. It is not normally
awarded until at least a Silver Acorn has been gained so it is seldom awarded for less than 30 years’ service.

In addition to the minimum periods of service shown above awards good service awards will not normally be made unless a period of at least five years has elapsed since the previous award.

More information on the good service awards can be found on the Scouts website here.

Meritorious Conduct and Gallantry

These are awarded less frequently than the good service awards. Gallantry awards are made to adult volunteers or young people who have been involved in acts of gallantry involving personal risk to themselves. Meritorious Conduct awards are made to adults or youth members for conduct involving a high degree of courage, endurance, initiative, or devotion to duty, often under suffering, without necessarily involving any element of risk.

More information on the meritorious conduct and gallantry awards can be found on the Scouts website here.