What is OSM?
Online Scout Manager (OSM) was designed by leaders for leaders – to allow you to take care of all section-based administration so you can concentrate on running your section.
OSM allows you to:
- Record personal information about your section in a safe and secure environment.
- Record badge progress automatically based on your programme and attendance register:
- Communicate effectively with members of your section and group.
- Easily track payments from parents using the online payment function.
- Provide parents access to a parent portal to update details, sign up for events and track badge progress.
It is available on the web, and on your Android or iPhone device. Click here to view all features available in OSM.
Accessing OSM
To support leaders with the management of sections we provide all sections with access to OSM. Please sign up and try it out with your teams here. Using the discount code will give you a free Gold subscription and it will give the District and county teams access to section-level summary (non-personal) information to help us provide you with more relevant support.
To receive the discount code please contact the County Administrator.